Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Akron Children's Hospital. Volunteer Services offers a summer program with opportunities for year-round volunteering for teens 16 years old through graduation. We enthusiastically welcome individuals of all backgrounds and abilities who are able to perform tasks independently with minimal supervision. Please note: volunteer placements are determined by program needs. Applicants must be in good general health, a non-smoker, and able to communicate well in English.


  • Volunteer weekly in a 3-4 hour shift (minimum 50 hours for the calendar year)
  • Grade point average of 2.5 or higher

Further details will be provided at the interview; however, if you have any questions, feel free to contact Volunteer Services at 330-543-3665. Thank you for your interest in Akron Children's Hospital.

Personal Information
Emergency Contact
Educational Information
Volunteer Experiences
Organization 1
Organization 2
Volunteer Assignments
Indicate the day(s) of the week you are available to volunteer as well as the starting shift schedule you would prefer. If you are flexible in the days of the week and starting time, please place a check in any of the boxes based on your availability. This information will help us determine the position openings that may be of interest to you when you meet with the Volunteer Recruiter.
Teen Availability
Teen Available Hours
Please provide two references - a teacher, counselor, or clergy. Family members will not be accepted.
Reference 1
I give permission for the above reference(1) to release information regarding my teen.
Typed Name Constitutes Signature
Reference 2
I give permission for the above reference to release(2) information regarding my teen.
Typed Name Constitutes Signature
Application Supplement
APPLICATION ESSAY: Write a 150-200 word essay describing how volunteering at Akron Children's Hospital would impact your life and why you should be selected as a volunteer. Applicants will be judged on originality, punctuation and grammar. Successful essays will incorporate your motivation for volunteering as well as a desire to meet new people, give back to the community and help the patients, siblings and families.
School Leadership or Participation: Student Council, Class Officer, Band, Chess Club, Athletics, NHS, Etc.
Statement of Committment

I hereby affirm that the information provided on this application is true and complete. I understand that any false or misleading representations or omissions may disqualify me from further consideration for volunteer service and may result in discharge even if discovered at a later date.

I authorize Akron Children's Hospital to verify any information I have provided. I hereby authorize persons from any schools, companies, or organizations, to include my references, named in this application to provide information about me contained in their records, and I release all such persons from liability regarding the provision of or use of such information.

I understand there are certain training requirements that must be fulfilled, and performance standards that must be maintained in order to volunteer at Akron Children's Hospital.

Finally, as an Akron Children's Hospital volunteer, I will:

  • Agree to volunteer for a minimum of 50 hours.
  • Notify Volunteer Services any time I am unavailable to volunteer for my assignment.
  • Decline to perform any task for which I feel I have not been adequately trained or which would put me or others at risk.
  • Respect patient, family, and staff confidentiality; which I understand is both a patient right and the Hospital's legal responsibility. Users of electronic, verbal, or written information systems have the same obligation regarding confidentiality.
  • Abide by the rules and regulations of Akron Children's Hospital and Volunteer Services.
  • Maintain the customer service standards in my interactions with patients, families, and staff.
  • Permit images of photos of me in my role as a volunteer to be used in public relations brochures or videos.

Volunteers under the age of 18 need the signature of a parent or guardian. As the parent or guardian of the above prospective minor volunteer, I support and recommend him/her in this opportunity. Also, I have read the statement of commitment and my teenager,

, born
has my permission to become a volunteer at

Akron Children's Hospital.

I understand documentation of two MMR's, Varicella (Chickenpox), Tdap or Td (as indicated in the past 10 years), and completion of Hepatitis B series is necessary to volunteer.

Also, an initial Tuberculosis Skin Test as well as an annual flu vaccine are required for volunteering; therefore, I give permission for my child to have this test and vaccine completed at Akron Children's Hospital. I understand that there is no charge for this service.

Typed Name Constitutes Signature
Parent/Guardian Information